Monthly Archives: August 2011

People who work with the public are exposed to everyone’s cold and flu. Couriers are at risk of infection when they touch letters and packages from sick people, as a bike courier posted on Facebook recently. She described the inconsiderate behaviour of a customer.

Here’s a story from someone who worked on a film set 10 years ago. She said she inhaled smoke on set and from a nearby paint warehouse – though she didn’t realize it at the time. A couple of years later, she thinks the exposure caused rhinitis – but good luck making a claim with a production company that doesn’t exist any more.

Four pedestrians were killed and three were seriously injured by cars in Vancouver within 10 days this summer. So far in 2011 (seven months into the year) there have been 12 pedestrian fatalities. In all of 2010, nine pedestrians were killed.

The media has reported bear attacks here in BC and now I’m trying to keep this information in perspective as I prepare for my first camping trip of the summer. I won’t allow my fear to ruin my enjoyment of the woods, so I’m reviewing some bear safety tips that I’ll share with you.

“Some of these guys are literal artists,” said John Gilder, re: the high skill level of participants at the 14th Annual BC Forklift Rally at the Cloverdale Agriplex on Saturday June 25th, 2011. He said some of them are artists using machines that are like extensions of their bodies.